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宾语从句例句 宾语从句例集锦

发布时间:2020-08-29 22:36 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
宾语从句例句 宾语从句例集锦 1、I know what she wants to do. 2、I dont think he is a clever boy. 3、Larry doesnt know where to go. 4、He told me (that he would) go to the college the next year . 5、Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam. 6、I hav

宾语从句例句 宾语从句例集锦

1、I know what she wants to do.

2、I dont think he is a clever boy.

3、Larry doesnt know where to go.

4、He told me (that he would) go to the college the next year .

5、Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam.

6、I have found out that all the tickets for the concert have been sold out.

7、Can you work out how much we will spend during the trip?

8、Make sure that there are no mistakes in your papers before you turn them in.

9、I have made it a rule that I keep diaries.

10、We take it that you will agree with us.

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