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释怀的英文 释怀的例句释义

发布时间:2020-05-29 17:34 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
1、释怀的英文:be forgotten; express. 2、例句释义:劳拉因无法释怀而一直保留着那封信。Laura kept that letter out of sentiment. 3、你可以给我讲讲,来吧,可以的,我帮助你释怀。You can tell me, come on, you can do that. Let me help you. 4、我们现在来到

1、释怀的英文:be forgotten; express.

2、例句释义:劳拉因无法释怀而一直保留着那封信。Laura kept that letter out of sentiment.

3、你可以给我讲讲,来吧,可以的,我帮助你释怀。You can tell me, come on, you can do that. Let me help you.

4、我们现在来到这里,虽然已经精疲力尽,但感到释怀和高兴。Exhausted, but relieved and happy, we have now arrived here.

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