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倾我所有歌词 由谁演唱

发布时间:2020-06-01 10:47 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
1、《倾我所有(i could be the one)》是英国流行女歌手唐娜·露易斯演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌曲由唐娜·露易斯创作,唐娜·露易斯和凯文·科尔林共同制作。收录在唐娜·露易斯第二张录音室专辑《Blue Planet》中。 2、歌词: I could be your sea of sand I could be you

1、《倾我所有(i could be the one)》是英国流行女歌手唐娜·露易斯演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌曲由唐娜·露易斯创作,唐娜·露易斯和凯文·科尔林共同制作。收录在唐娜·露易斯第二张录音室专辑《Blue Planet》中。


I could be your sea of sand

I could be your warmth of desire

I could be your prayer of hope

I could be your gift to everyday

I could be your tide of heaven

I could be a hint of what s to come

I could be ordinary

I could be the one

I could be your blue eyed angel

I could be the storm before the calm

I could be your secret pleasure

I could be your well wishing well

I could be your breath of life

I could be your European dream

I could be ordinary

I could be the one

Now I would lie here in the darkness

Now I would lie here for all time

Now I would lie here watching over you

Comfort you

Sing to you

I could be your worry partner

I could be your socialite

I could be your green eyed monster

I could be your force of light

I could be your temple garden

I could be your tender hearted child

I could be ordinary

I could be the one

Now I would lie here in the darkness

Now I would lie here for all time

Now I would lie here watching over you

Comfort you

Sing to you

Will I ever change the journey

Will the hushed tones disappear

Oh little Rita

Let me hold you

Oh little Rita

Let me love you

I could be your leafy island

I could be your thunder in the clouds

I could be your dark enclosure

I could be your romantic soul

I could be your small beginning

I could be your suit in universe

I could be ordinary

I could be the one

I could be ordinary

I could be the one

I could be ordinary

I could be the one

相关专题: 生活经验


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