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非常优美的英文句子 非常优美的英文句子有什么

发布时间:2020-08-14 17:04 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
1、你像那年最好吃的零食,我是认真地为你胖过。 Youre like the best snack of the year. I earnestly overweight you. 2、爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最在乎的人。 Love is an innocent kite, pulling the most cared about people. 3、那些暧昧的小情绪,已经被我沉淀成永


Youre like the best snack of the year. I earnestly overweight you.


Love is an innocent kite, pulling the most cared about people.


Those ambiguous little emotions have been precipitated into forever by me.


I came to you with my heavy luggage, which was full of courage.

相关专题: 生活经验


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