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描写人的英语作文 描写人的英语作文带翻译

发布时间:2020-09-02 15:21 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
1、原文 My brother is one of my most familiar person, he is 2 years old this year, have one meter two child, chubby face on a pair of big round eyes, sparkly, but god! Particularly lovely, everyone called him qiqi. One day, mom went out to buy food,


My brother is one of my most familiar person, he is 2 years old this year, have one meter two child, chubby face on a pair of big round eyes, sparkly, but god! Particularly lovely, everyone called him qiqi.

One day, mom went out to buy food, call me at home looking at brother, I have accepted the glory task.

At first, the younger brother noisy clamoring for eating potato chips, I say: mother says chips have no nutrition, cant eat. Brother squirmed small mouth, and with his eyes left I said: elder brother sa panic, you eat, why cant I eat! Cant, had to give him to eat potato chips.

After a while, he began to noisy, noisy I after ear, I am a brainwave, a good idea from my mind, for his cartoons! I gave him put Tom and jerry, have never thought he suddenly quiet down, everything has its vanquisher.! Dont mention how proud of my heart, to see Tom and jerry the interesting picture, let us from time to time will laugh.

At this moment, mom came back, ask my brother been naughty or nice, brother rob to say: my brother and I are good! Mother kua I grew up can take care of my brother, my in the mind can be happy.

I like my little brother.








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