1、端午节 The Duanwu Festival, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month). 端午节,俗称龙舟节(农历五月初五)。 2、吃粽子 Eating zongzi. Zongzi are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. This traditional food is popular during the Dragon Boat Festival. 吃粽子。粽子是由糯米制成的金字塔形状的饺子,用不同的馅料包裹,再用竹叶或芦苇叶包裹。这种传统食物在端午节期间很受欢迎。 3、饮雄黄酒 Drinking realgar wine. Realgar wine is Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar. It is a custom to drink the wine during the Dragon Boat Festival. 喝雄黄酒。雄黄酒是用雄黄调味的中国酒。端午节喝酒是一种习俗。 4、赛龙舟 Dragon boat racing. Dragon boat racing is a traditional pastime where crews of 22 seated in long, dragon-shaped boats race lengths of up to 2000m. The Races are an indispensable part of the Dragon Boat Festival and are held all over China. 赛龙舟。赛龙舟是一种传统的娱乐活动,22名队员坐在长长的龙船上,比赛长度可达2000米。赛龙舟是端午节不可缺少的一部分,在中国各地都要举行。 |
- 端午节祝福的句子 关于端午节祝福的句子
- 端午节:赛龙舟,好兆头,快乐凑,无烦忧;吃粽子,正当时,运气至,永不止;摘艾叶,情切切,思不绝,福无缺;看短信,朋友亲,祝福你,幸福兴。 送您一条五色丝线,愿您把幸福牢牢缠…
- 端午节祝福简短句朋友 简单的端午节祝福
- “五月五,是端阳;门插艾,香满堂;呷粽子,洒白糖;龙船下水喜洋洋。”今日端午节,盼风调雨顺,愿彼此安康! 端午节,祝你粽横四海,粽是走运! 够实力,才敢与“粽”不同。 端午,祈平安,愿健康。 汗水是咸,成…
- 端午节英文 端午节的英文是什么
- 1、端午节的英文表达:The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival. 2、The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 农历五月初五是端午节。 The Dragon Boat Fes…
- 端午节的来历15字 关于端午节的来历
- 1、端午节的由来,传说端午节是为了纪念战国时代楚国诗屈国,他在五月初五这天投汩罗江自尽殉国。 2、屈原(约公元前340—公元前278年),芈姓,屈氏,名平,字原,又自云名正则,字灵均。楚国郢都被秦军攻破后,自…
- 端午节祝福简短句8字 简单的端午节祝福
- 线线缠绕,年轻不老。 端午时节,幸福快乐。 合家美满,顺顺利利! 粽儿饱饱,财源好好。 粽儿香香,美味芳芳。 阖家幸福,端午快乐! 端起幸福,如意逍遥! 和和美美,红红火火。 全家安康,福寿绵长! 米米紧粘,…