1、英文: Today, we live in the modern world, most things we do can use the machine. The technology brings so many convenience to us, it facilitates our life. As we are facing the new products all the time, the traditional things are fading away. Take the paper-cut for example. When I was very small, paper-cut was so popular in my grandmas generation, most women could cut all kinds of interesting shapes. While today when I went back to my hometown, I found that most of them had stopped cutting papers, because they could buy them at the very low price. Whats more, the young people dont learn such art, for the parents think it is not necessary for their children to learn the old-fashion thing. The tradition should not be abandoned, it is the reflection of our culture. Even facing the challenge, we need to inherit the tradition. 2、翻译: 今天,我们生活在摩登时代,我们可以使用机器做大部分的事情。科技给我们带来了很多方便,它便利了我们的生活。我们每天都面对着新产品,传统的东西正在慢慢消失。以剪纸为例。在我很小的时候,在我祖母的那一代,剪纸很受欢迎,大多数女性可以剪出各种有趣的形状。现在当我回到家乡时,我发现他们中的`大多数已经停止剪纸,因为他们可以以很低的价格购买。更重要的是,年轻人不了解这种艺术,以为父母认为他们的孩子没有必要去学习这种不时髦的东西。传统不应该被放弃,这是我们文化的反映。甚至面临挑战,我们仍然需要继承传统。 |

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