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关于春节的作文英语 关于春节的英语作文范文

发布时间:2022-01-17 12:18 来源:互联网 点击:0
1、The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday, is just as important as Christmas in foreign。 The Spring Festival fireworks, eat family reunion dinner, paste couplets, happy New Year and recei

1、The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday, is just as important as Christmas in foreign。 The Spring Festival fireworks, eat family reunion dinner, paste couplets, happy New Year and receive lucky money。 Among them, I like the fireworks!

That day, dad said to take me to fireworks, I jumped up excitedly。 We found an empty place, take out the purple diamond on the ground, I carefully picked up cigarette lighters, give light line, and then run away quickly, just listen to fire, and purple diamond was lit, flame emitted like diamonds, really beautiful! I took out UFO flying saucer again, I lit it, suddenly thrown into the sky, I saw it emitted a blue light, transfer a few laps in the sky, just like real mini UFO flying saucer。 Will take the peacock and then, it emerged the colorful spark, I think you are more beautiful than real peacock train it。 Exciting moment is coming, dad lit fireworks, bang sound, launched the first fireworks, the fireworks, flowery and clinking, colours are green, red, yellow, blue, some like a bursting flowers, like a lovely smile, and like a big red lantern, is so beautiful!

We all like the Spring Festival, is also looking forward to a happy Spring Festival!







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