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春节饭菜以及寓意英文版 春节饭菜以及寓意的英文版简单介绍

发布时间:2022-01-20 19:59 来源:互联网 点击:0
1、Dumplings-饺子Dumplings are delicious bite-sized gifts already, but at Lunar New Year, theres a belief that the more dumplings you eat, the more money youll have.The reason is because the shape of dum


Dumplings are delicious bite-sized gifts already, but at Lunar New Year, theres a belief that the more dumplings you eat, the more money youll have.The reason is because the shape of dumplings resembles the shape of ingots, a form of currency made of gold and silver that was once used in China.

饺子已经是美味的、一口一个的美食,但在农历新年,人们相信你吃的饺子越多,你会在来年越有钱。其原因是饺子的形状与元宝的形状相似。元宝是一种曾在中国使用的由金银制成的货币。甚至在吃饺子的时候还有一句话伴随着,那就是“招财进宝!” 愿饺子带给你大富大贵!

2、Whole fish-整鱼

There are two reasons whywhole fish is considered luckyat Lunar New Year.he first is that having the head.The word for fish in Chinese isyu, which also sounds the same as the Chinese word forsurplus.May you have more than you need for the coming year!May you have more than you need for the coming year!

整条鱼在农历新年被认为幸运吉祥的原因有两个。第一,留下鱼头和鱼尾完整代表着来年有个良好的开端和良好的结尾。第二个原因是文字游戏。鱼在中文中的意思除了“鱼”之外,听起来也和“余”同音。所以,“每年都有鱼”(年年有鱼 every year have fish)的说法听起来和“每年都有盈余”(年年有余 every year have surplus)一模一样。祝你猪年“年年有余”!

3、Sweet dumplings-汤圆

Sweet dumplings are often made of white sugar, rose, sesame, sweetened bean paste, nuts and date paste. Because of their round shape, sweet dumplings are always considered a symbol of a good reunion in Chinese culture.



The shape of a wonton bears a resemblance to a shoe-shaped gold ingot that Chinese people used in ancient times, so wonton soup is also called ingot soup. The second day of the first lunar month is the time to worship the God of Wealth, and people have wonton soup to wish for wealth in the New Year.


5、Rice cake-年糕

A rice cake is mainly made of sticky rice. In the past, yellow and white rice cakes symbolized gold and silver. Its pronunciation is similar to live long in Chinese, which gives rice cake another auspicious meaning.





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