『运筹OR帷幄』原创 求职招聘栏目 来自于运筹帷幄的招聘板块。一方面,我们将为大家精心挑选和整理全球与运筹学、数据科学、机器学习、人工智能等领域相关的招聘职位。另一方面,我们也将翻译和转载国内外在该领域相关的求职干货。 如果您有职位正在招人,如果您想推荐相关领域的职位,请扫描文末二维码,让我们助您一臂之力。 /本文预览/ 本文为大家整理浙江大学博士后,谢菲尔德大学优化博士,伦敦大学研究生助教职位。 第一则:浙江大学 1~2个博士后职位 关键信息 1-2个博士后职位年薪超过24万浙江大学管理学院 数据分析和管理国际研究中心 浙江大学管理科学与工程是国家一级重点学科,在2012年学科评估中列全国第二。数据分析与管理是学科重点建设方向,也是管理学院十三五规划的重点建设平台。学科目前拥有一支年轻富有朝气的学科团队,核心团队成员包括周伟华教授,教育部新世纪优秀人才;华中生教授,长江特聘教授;刘渊教授,国家社科基金重大项目首席专家;杨翼教授,自然科学基金委优秀青年基金获得者;陈熹教授、金庆伟副教授、马弘副教授等,学科层面还邀请了斯坦福大学大数据优化领域的知名教授叶荫宇,美国南加州大学营销领域知名学者杨沙等参与建设。 因科研工作需要,浙江大学管理学院周伟华教授面向国内外公开招聘博士后研究人员1-2位。 图片来源:浙江大学管理学院官网 申请截至日期 2019年10月1日 薪资待遇 工资及福利待遇按浙江大学博士后相关规定执行,年薪不低于24万;课题组负责保障研究工作所必需的充足的经费和完善的研究条件,创造良好的个人发展平台,鼓励申报各类项目,提供出国参加国际会议等访问交流机会;博士后聘期表现优秀且学术成果突出者,出站时推荐竞聘我校教师岗位。招聘条件 身心健康,年龄不超过35周岁(外籍人员年龄不超过40岁);已获得博士学位或即将获得博士学位,具有与研究方向相关的学科背景(运营管理、供应链管理、数据驱动决策、计算机科学、信息科学等)或从业经验;具有严谨求实的学风、较高的外语水平、较强的学术潜力和合作精神;海外知名院校及国内985院校毕业者。职位要求 作为科研骨干,负责相对独立的课题研究项目;在专业领域权威期刊发表学术论文,参与学术论著编写;独立或协助课题申请;承担一定的硕士和博士研究生辅导工作。如何申请 申请人提供详细简历,学历、学位证书,科研成果清单、实践经历、申请意向及两封同行专家推荐信,发送至邮箱:idam@zju.edu.cn,并抄送合作导师周伟华老师邮箱:larryzhou@zju.edu.cn,邮件标题格式请用"浙大管院博士后应聘 姓名";学校学院对申请人进行资格审核,组织面试;申请人通过面试后,按浙江大学有关要求(参见浙江大学博士后工作办公室网站:http://hr.zju.edu.cn/postdoctor/)提交相关申请材料,报学校审批;人事管理方式按浙江大学相关规定执行;联系方式地址:浙江省杭州市余杭塘路866号浙江大学紫金港校区管理学院4楼邮编:310058电话:0571-88981556或0571-88206837第二则:谢菲尔德大学 1个博士职位 关键信息 1个博士职位,3年工作合同全职The University of Sheffield, Management School 供应链网络,区位分析,优化 博士职位 The Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research Centre at Sheffield University Management School is seeking applications for a fully funded PhD from exceptional UK/EU/International students with an outstanding academic record (distinction/high merit or equivalent), as well as a proven record in research training. 图片来源:谢菲尔德大学 申请截至日期 1 July 2019 at 17:00 UK time 薪资待遇 This scholarship is offered on a full-time basis for three years subject to satisfactory progress. The award pays tuition fees and an annual tax freemaintenance stipend at the RCUK rate. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis – applications are assessed on the basis of academic success and qualifications, experience, research background, a clear well-articulated research proposal, the potential impact of the research and a close synergy of research interests with supervisor/research centre expertise.合作导师 Dr Antonino Sgalambro:a.sgalambro@sheffield.ac.uk,skype:antonino.sgalambroDr. Diego Ruiz-Hernandez:d.ruiz-hernandez@sheffield.ac.ukFor an informal discussion about this opportunity, please contact: Dr Antonino Sgalambro如何申请 Applicants should submit a 1000 word research proposal which directly addresses the theme and/or specific topic to which they are applying.The proposal should contain a brief background to the topic, which demonstrates knowledge of existing work in the field, and potential contributions to knowledge.It should also explain the proposed research methods and include a plan of the research, and a timeline.Please note that applications will not be processed if they are incompleteor received after the deadline.Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview on Tuesday 13/Wednesday 14 August 2019.Please clearly indicate the number of the project in your application: LSCM 2/3第三则:伦敦大学伯克贝克学院 1个助教职位 关键信息 £33,238 to £37,912(年薪)3年固定合同兼职每周17.5个小时 hours per week (0.5 FTE)伦敦大学伯克贝克学院 Department of Computer Science * Information Systems The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS) is one of four departments in the School. It is a world-class centre of expertise in algorithms, data analytics, data management, experimental data science, knowledge representation, and programme verification. We engage in a broad spectrum of both fundamental and applied research, host two research centres and are a key partner in the recently founded national Institute of Coding(IoC). 图片来源:伦敦大学伯克贝克学院官网 申请截至日期 05-Jul-2019 试用时间 6个月 薪资待遇 The salary (Grade 6)quoted will be pro-rata for this part time post and is on the College's London Pay Scale which includes a consolidated Weighting/Allowance which applies only to staff whose normal contractual place of work is in the Greater London area. 招聘条件 KnowledgeAbility to demonstrate research potential and contribute to the Department’s research culture at postgraduate levelAbility support teaching effectively and to conduct seminars at both undergraduate and postgraduate levelGood organisational and administrative skillsTechnical/Workbased SkillsResearch interests in economics and/or financeGeneral skills and attributesGood interpersonal, oral and written communication skillsAbility to relate to mature students with varying educational backgroundsWillingness to teach in the eveningsSensitive to issues of confidentialityQualificationsGood first degree (first or uppersecond) and masters in a discipline relevant to EconomicsEligibility for acceptance to the MPhil/PhD in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS).岗位职责 Pursue study towards a PhD.Provide assistance to staff involved in teaching, including supporting classes and leading seminar discussions.Support students in developing their research projects, and teach students how to approach research.Supervise Masters dissertation projects and participate in the assessment and examination of students.Undertake administration related to the above to ensure the smooth running of programmes.如何申请 If you would like to know more about the role please contact Dr Hubie Chen via hubie@dcs.bbk.ac.uk. To apply for this position please go to our online recruitment portal(https://birkbeck.hireserve-projects.com/vacancies.html) and search for reference 365.其他事项 Please ensure your application includes full details of your employment history, education andqualifications, and recent development.For some roles, this will be collected in the application form, for others you will be asked to include this in a professional CV which can be uploaded.All applicants are asked to provide a statement on their suitability for the role. This is a key piece of information which will help us determine your suitability for the role, so please:Align your skills and experience with both the job description and person specification.Be specific about projects you’ve worked on or managed. What was the outcome? How did you measure success?If you've had a leadership role, tell us about it. How big was the team? What was the scope of your work?If you're a recent graduate or have limited work experience, reference projects or coursework that demonstrate relevant skills and knowledge.Keep it short; the application form or the CV should contain all the additional information that we need during the selection process |
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