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阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲叫什么谁唱的 阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲歌词

发布时间:2019-10-31 02:11 来源:www.roadlady.com 点击:0
阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲叫什么 据悉,电影《阿丽塔战斗天使》的主题曲叫做《Swan Song》,由英国歌手Dua Lipa演唱。 Dua Lipa为正在上映的电影《阿利塔:战斗天使》发行的主题曲Swan Song正式上线! 这部由詹姆斯·卡梅隆和乔恩·兰道(阿凡达)制作、罗伯特·罗德里格斯(


据悉,电影《阿丽塔战斗天使》的主题曲叫做《Swan Song》,由英国歌手Dua Lipa演唱。

Dua Lipa为正在上映的电影《阿利塔:战斗天使》发行的主题曲Swan Song正式上线!

阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲叫什么谁唱的 阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲歌词


阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲叫什么谁唱的 阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲歌词

《阿丽塔:战斗天使》由同名漫画改编成的,讲了在26世纪,那时科技已经可以重塑我们的身体,不少人换上了机械的身体,主人公一天在旧屋堆找到一个女孩的机械残躯,并将她救活命名为阿丽塔,但她已失去记忆,一次偶然的机会下,主人公发现她有惊人的战斗能力,注定她的使命就是要不停的战斗......Dua Lipa献唱的科幻动作巨制《阿丽塔:战斗天使》主题曲也非常的好听,让人能想象出电影中壮观的场面,歌词更是显现了电影的主题!


阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲叫什么谁唱的 阿丽塔战斗天使主题曲歌词

Swan Song (《阿丽塔:战斗天使》电影主题曲) - Dua Lipa (杜娃·黎波)

Composed by:Dua Lipa/Justin Tranter/Kennedi Lykken/Mattias Larsson/Robin Fredriksson/Tom Holkenborg

I I can#39;t lie

I#39;m scared to open my eyes

#39;Cause what if I find nothing at all

Nothing at all

What is the point of my lips

If they don#39;t make noise ah

What is the point of doing nothing at all

Watching it fall

The flicker burning

You know the time#39;s running running out

Only I see all the diamonds diamonds

Breaking down

I won#39;t stay quiet I won#39;t stay quiet

Cause staying silent#39;s the same as dying

I won#39;t stay quiet the flicker#39;s burning low

This is not a this is not a

Swan swan song

This is not a this is not a

Swan swan song

We just gotta we just gotta hold on tonight

This is not a this is not a

Swan song swan song

Swan dive yeah

It#39;s a new life

Real fantasy

Wishing it was make believe

What is the reason of doing nothing at all

Watching it fall

The flicker burning

You know the time#39;s running running out

Only I see all the diamonds diamonds

Breaking down

I won#39;t stay quiet I won#39;t stay quiet

Cause staying silent#39;s the same as dying

I won#39;t stay quiet the flicker#39;s burning low

This is not a this is not a

Swan swan song

This is not a this is not a

Swan swan song

We just gotta we just gotta hold on tonight

This is not a this is not a

Swan song swan song

Swan dive yeah

It#39;s a new life

Tread heavily around me

Tread heavily around me

Tread heavily

Tread heavily around me

Tread heavily tread

This is not a this is not a


Tread heavily

Swan song


This is not a this is not a


Tread heavily

Swan song


We just gotta we just gotta hold on tonight

This is not a this is not a

Swan song swan song

Swan dive yeah

Yeah it#39;s a new life

It#39;s a new life

相关专题: 音乐空间


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