天津茱莉亚学院是由中国教育部、天津市政府(其研究生学历项目在中国的中外合作办学机构为天津音乐学院茱莉亚研究院)及美国中部诸州高等教育委员会所认可的教育机构,致力于为音乐表演及教育事业发展做出贡献。天津茱莉亚共设有管弦乐表演、室内乐表演、钢琴艺术指导三个硕士专业,是中国首个颁发美国认证的音乐硕士学位的艺术机构。 茱莉亚以其卓越的教育闻名于世,而居于核心的是其出类拔萃的教师团队。学生会与来自不同国家的驻院教师、纽约茱莉亚客座教师,以及来自世界各地的著名艺术家学习。我们的教师将担当重要的职责来培育及引导每位音乐家,使其具备走上职业化道路所需要的职业技能。 天津茱莉亚旨在全球范围内找寻符合茱莉亚艺术水准的才华横溢并严于律己的学生。作为其中的一员,你应该拥有对于演奏合奏作品必不可少的成熟以及丰富的思想,对历史传统和当代音乐走向的极大好奇心,以及对艺术卓越和领导力的不断追求与奉献精神。天津茱莉亚学院研究生课程2021年秋季入学申请现已开通。 The Tianjin Juilliard School is authorized by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, the Tianjin Municipal Government (the Tianjin Conservatory of Music Juilliard Graduate School is the China-foreign joint institution of The Tianjin Juilliard School’s graduate degree programs) and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (USA). It will transform the landscape of music-making and education in China. The school is an educational institution offering a graduate program for a Master of Music degree from Juilliard in orchestral studies, chamber music, or collaborative piano. It is the first performing arts institution in China to offer a U.S.-accredited Master of Music degree. At the heart of Juilliard’s reputation for excellence is a faculty of distinguished artist-teachers. Students will work with an international roster of resident faculty, visiting faculty from The Juilliard School in New York, and other leading artists from around the world. The challenge embraced by our faculty is a complex one: to nurture and guide each musician toward the fullest expression of their potential, and to equip each student with the professional skills and experience to pursue a career in the arts. Tianjin Juilliard seeks exceptionally talented and disciplined students who meet Juilliard's artistic standards. You should possess the maturity and generosity of spirit that is essential to ensemble work, a broad curiosity for the historical traditions and contemporary trends of music, and a clear dedication to artistic excellence and leadership. Graduate Studies application for Fall 2021 now open. 申请人资格条件 Eligibility 须在入学前获得学士学位或者同等学历。接受过高水平音乐训练。英语语言能力达到规定要求。A bachelor's degree or its equivalent by the time you matriculateMusical training at a high levelEnglish language proficiency that meets our outlined requirement申请时间 Application Timeline *最近一次官方英语考试成绩:该成绩必须由主办考试机构直接寄送。你所提交的英语分数不必达到最低分数要求,仅供招生委员会了解你目前的英语熟练程度。 在接到面试邀请后,你需准备以下材料: *若想申请学院奖学金,您必须填写College Board网站上的CSS档案。只有通过预筛选的申请者才需要完成 CSS 档案填写,此表格需要在2021年3月1日之前完成。有关详细信息,请参阅奖学金页面: https://www.tianjinjuilliard.edu.cn/zh-hans/zhaoshengxinxi/yanjiushengkechengshenqing/yanjiushengkechengxuefeiyuzhuxuejin/。 **最终官方英语考试成绩:该成绩必须由主办考试机构直接寄送。考试分数必须达到我们的最低分数要求。 *Most Recent Official English Language Test Score: This test score must be delivered to us directly from the testing company but does not need to be passing: It will serve to indicate your most recent level of English language proficiency. The following items are only required if you are invited to a live audition: *In order to be considered for institutional aid, you must fill out The CSS Profile found on the College Board website. Only those who pass pre-screening will be required to complete the CSS Profile, which must be completed by March 1, 2021. Please see the Scholarship page.**Final Official English Language Test Score: This test score must be delivered to us directly from the testing company and should meet our test score standards. 申请材料 Application Materials 在线申请2021年秋季入学申请于2020年9月1日正式开始,请点击本文左下角“阅读原文”开启你的申请。 你需要在2020年12月15日之前提交申请和预筛选演奏视频。首先,请创建天津茱莉亚学院申请专用账户,收集相关申请材料,然后按照指示完成申请。请填写我们的联络信息表,你将在第一时间收到天津茱莉亚的招生信息。 —— Online ApplicationYour application and pre-screening recordings are due December 15. To begin, create your Tianjin Juilliard admissions account, gather the required application materials, and follow the instructions to complete your application. Start your application now! 申请费用申请费为人民币770元*,且费用不予退还,申请费须在提交申请时通过申请状态页面进行支付。支付成功后方可视作申请完成。 *在使用Visa, MasterCard, American Express或PayPal付款时,假设人民币对美元的汇率为7:1,则付款金额约为110美元。由于汇率波动,您需支付的实际金额可能略有不同。 —— Application FeeThe 770 RMB* application fee is non-refundable and must be paid through your application status page upon submission of your application. Your application is not considered complete until the fee has been received. *When paying with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or PayPal, the amount will be approximately $110 USD assuming an exchange rate of 7 RMB to $1 USD. The actual amount charged to your account may vary slightly due to fluctuations in the exchange rate. 论文论文将被天津茱莉亚学院招生委员作为除申请表、成绩单和面试以外,了解你本人的重要途径。同时,还将被用于确认你是否具备成功完成研究生课程中所必需的学术能力。 你至少需要提交两篇论文。论文应为双倍行距,使用12号字体,字体可选Times Roman或Arial。请注意,论文需用英文撰写(不能由其他语言翻译而来),并应由你个人独立完成。 请注意,中文翻译仅作为参考,具体要求请以英文为准。 论文一|二选一(任选以下一个话题展开论述): 许多艺术家都曾在一个特定时刻决定了自己的职业目标。详细描述你曾经历的那个时刻,并阐述它是如何影响你今日的艺术生活及学术学习。天津茱莉亚学院着重于合作技艺的培养,并以最高的艺术水准进行合作。请描述具体吸引你与其他音乐家合作的原因。请在文章中借鉴以往合作演奏的事例。请就你选择的话题完成一篇500-650字的文章。 论文二: 是什么激励你申请天津茱莉亚学院?请在文章中借鉴个人及专业方面的相关经历。请就此话题完成一篇300-400字的文章。 论文三(已经毕业,未在校就读的申请者需要完成此篇论文): 请与我们分享您自毕业后的经历,请包括专业相关活动。请就此话题完成一篇300-400字的文章。 —— EssaysTianjin Juilliard's Admissions Committee uses your essays to learn more about you as an individual and gain a sense of who you are beyond your application, transcript, and audition. They are also used to confirm that you have the scholastic competence necessary to succeed in graduate-level coursework. Essays should be double-spaced, in a 12-point font such as Times Roman or Arial. Please note that essays should be written in English (not translated from another language) and be your own original work. Essay #1 | Choose one of the following prompts: Many artists experience a moment that defines their career goals. Describe what that moment was for you. Be specific and tell us how that moment continues to influence your artistic and academic work.ORThe Tianjin Juilliard School emphasizes collaborative and ensemble playing at the highest artistic level. Please describe what specifically attracts you to collaborating with other musicians. Please draw upon examples from your past collaborative experience.Please write approximately 500-650 words for the prompt of your choice. Essay #2: What has inspired you to apply specifically to The Tianjin Juilliard School? Please include any relevant personal and professional context.Please write approximately 300-400 words on this prompt. Essay #3 | Required only for those who are not currently enrolled in an academic program: Please tell us about the period since you graduated from your last academic program. Please include any professional activities you have been engaged in since graduating.Please write approximately 300-400 words on this prompt. 艺术简历你的艺术简历须遵循一般简历格式,应为1-2页,并包含以下内容: 教育背景(包括你曾跟随哪些老师学习)重要演出经历专业乐队和重奏演出经历(请注明具体乐队座次)暑期活动或音乐节经历(请注明参加年份)比赛经历以及所获奖项和名次其他你想与招生委员会分享的信息—— Artistic RésuméYour Artistic Résumé should follow a general résumé format. The résumé should be 1-2 pages, and include the following information: Your educational background (including private teachers with whom you have studied)Significant performance experiencesProfessional orchestra and ensemble experiences (include chair/seating)Summer programs/festivals (include year(s) of attendance)Competitions, prizes and awardsAny other information you would like to share with the Admissions Committee成绩单成绩单将在决策过程产生重要影响,有助于我们确定你是否已做好完成研究生课程的准备。所有高等教育的成绩单,包括获得的所有成绩和正在修课程,必须在2021年1月15日之前收到。如果您目前还在就读状态,此成绩单应包括您的秋季学期相关成绩。成绩单可接受的形式包括:由学院直接发送的官方副本;学生事务处提供的官方成绩单的扫描复印件;或是登陆学校网站下载的电子成绩单。请不要发送成绩单截图。若您选择自行上传电子成绩单,在线申请提交完成后,方可在申请状态页面上传。请注意,如果您的成绩单不是英文,我们需要原件和翻译成绩单。 最终正式成绩单如果您被录取并决定入学,您需要在2021年7月1日(入学前暑期)提交最终正式成绩单。请注意,您需在此规定日期之前提交最终正式成绩单,方可注册入学。此最终成绩单必须送交至招生办公室,并且包含以下内容:获得的学位、学位授予日期以及在整个学习过程中所学课程和成绩的列表。如果您最近的学位是学士学位,请提交学士学位的正式成绩单。如果您最近的学位是硕士学位,请提交硕士学位的正式成绩单和所有其他之前获得的学位的非官方成绩单。如果您完成的最新课程是研究生/艺术家文凭或证书,请同时提供该课程的非正式成绩单。 什么是正式成绩单: 电子成绩单:应包含你在校期间获得的成绩,须由可靠的公共服务系统(如Naviance、eSCRIP-SAFE或其他系统)发送。自行扫描、邮件传送或上传的成绩单都不被认为是正式的成绩单。或者纸质成绩单:应包含你在校期间获得的成绩。材料收取时,该成绩单需由所在学校或机构使用信封密封好并盖章,方可奏效。最终正式成绩单必须寄送至天津茱莉亚招生办公室。具体的邮寄地址将在你的录取信中显示。 正式成绩单须显示所有你先前和当前学习的课程,这些课程须相当于或近似于美国学士学位课程(通常应至少包含24个文科科目的学分)。 如果成绩单使用英语以外的其它语言,则须同时提交原始语言的成绩单及经认证的英语翻译件。我们将通知你是否需要由评估机构对你的成绩单进行正式评估,以证明你的学术水平。SpanTran、WES和ECE等公司均可提供这一付费的评估服务。—— TranscriptsTranscripts are an important component of the decision process and help us determine if you are prepared to succeed in coursework at the graduate level. Transcripts for all post-secondary coursework, including all grades earned and courses in progress must be received by January 15, 2021. If you are currently enrolled in a program, this transcript should include your fall semester grades. The transcript may be an official copy sent directly by your institution. It can also be either a scanned copy of your transcript as provided to you by your school’s registrar or downloaded from your online student account. Please do not send screenshots. If you are choosing to upload the records, they can be uploaded directly to your application status page after you submit your application. If your transcript is not in English, we require the transcript in its original language as well as a translation. Final Official TranscriptIf you are admitted and decide to enroll, you will be required to submit final official transcripts by July 1, in the summer prior to matriculation. Matriculation to the MM degree program is contingent upon Tianjin Juilliard receiving your final official transcripts before the stated deadline. This final transcript must but sent to the Office of Admissions and must state the degree earned, the date it was awarded, and the list of courses taken and grades earned throughout the course of study. If your most recent degree is a Bachelor’s degree, please submit the official transcript for the Bachelor's degree. If your most recent degree is a Master’s degree, please submit the official transcript for the Master’s degree and unofficial transcripts for all other previous degrees earned. If the most recent program you’ve completed is a Graduate/Artist diploma or certificate, please also include an unofficial transcript for that program. Definition of an Official Transcript An electronic record of your academic progress, including grades earned, sent by a secure service (such as Naviance, eSCRIP-SAFE, or other system). Scanned, emailed, or uploaded copies are not considered official.ORA paper record of your academic progress, including grades earned. Official transcripts must arrive in an envelope sealed and stamped by the issuing institution.Final official transcripts should be mailed to the Tianjin Juilliard Office of Admissions. Mailing address for final transcripts will be provided on your admission letter. Your official transcript(s) must show all prior and current coursework equivalent or similar to a U.S. bachelor's degree (generally including at least 24 credits in liberal arts subjects). If your transcript is not in English, we require the transcript in its original language as well as a certified translation.You will be notified if an official evaluation of your transcript is required to verify your academic level. Companies such as SpanTran, WES, or ECE can provide this service for a fee.推荐信你需要在申请过程中提供两名为你提供推荐信的个人。推荐信应当: 由教师、乐团指挥、指导教师或艺术导师提供指出你的天赋和成就论述以下特点,以展示你在音乐领域中的潜质:对艺术的奉献程度,恒心,团队合作以及领导能力推荐信截止日期为2月15日。推荐人将收到带有链接的电子邮件,以便安全地将推荐信上传至申请系统。我们仅接受通过申请系统上传的推荐信。 —— RecommendationsIn your application you will be required to identify two individuals who will provide your recommendations. These recommendations should: Be from a teacher, conductor, coach, or artistic mentorAddress your talent and accomplishmentsDiscuss the following individual characteristics that indicate potential for success in the field: perseverance, dedication, collegiality, and leadershipThe recommendations are due February 15. Your recommenders will receive an email with a link to securely upload their recommendations to our application system. We will only accept recommendations received through our application system. 现场面试 Auditions 2021年秋季入学的申请者,将需要在天津和纽约进行现场面试。对于无法参加现场面试的申请人,可以通过上传最终面试视频和参加Zoom在线互动,以代替现场面试环节。请定期查看“面试”网页关于具体面试日程及相关安排的更新。 为满足申请天津茱莉亚学院的音乐能力要求,申请人必须: 向申请系统中提交一系列用于预筛选的演奏视频材料(适用于所有申请者)。在面试地点参加现场面试;或者上传最终演奏视频及参加Zoom在线互动。(适用于指定受邀者)预筛选视频材料需要上传并提交至申请系统(2020年12月15日截止)。通过预筛选的申请人将接到最终现场面试的邀请。 For the fall 2021 application year, auditions will be scheduled in Tianjin and New York. For applicants who are unable to audition at these locations, we will offer the option of auditioning through a combination of an uploaded video recording and Zoom interaction. Please follow updates to our audition schedule and protocol on the Auditions page. To satisfy the musical requirements of an application to The Tianjin Juilliard School, you must: Submit pre-screening recordings to your application (all applicants)Audition live at an audition site or through a video recording and Zoom interaction (invitation only)Pre-screening recordings are uploaded and submitted with the application (due December 15). Applicants who pass the pre-screening round will be invited to register for a final audition. 英语水平 English Language Proficiency 定义 如果英语并非你的母语(无论你持有哪一国国籍),你需要提供英语水平证明。天津茱莉亚学院对于母语的定义为:从童年起在家中使用的第一语言。 英语水平证明 是否能用流利的英语进行交谈、阅读和理解,是影响招生决定的重要因素。 你可以提交以下任意一类型的考试成绩,以证明自己对英语的掌握能力: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)International English Language Testing System (IELTS)Pearsons Language Test: Academic (PTE Academic)*基于个案考虑,若考生英文考试成绩在:托福72-80;雅思5.5-6;PTE51-56之间,成功完成并通过英语基础强化课程后可入学。为此,考生需要参加由天津茱莉亚学院语言部门进行的英文能力测试。请注意,若您当前考试分数低于此范围,我们仍建议您开始申请;但考试分数为80分及以上的申请人可能会被优先考虑录取。 茱莉亚学院的TOEFL编码为 2340茱莉亚学院的CEEB编码为 002340若提交电子雅思成绩,请搜索 “Juilliard School” 该成绩必须由主办考试机构直接寄送,并在截止日期前送达纽约茱莉亚学院招生办公室。请注意,在向主办考试机构申请官方考试成绩时,应在学校列表中搜索"Juilliard"以寄送分数。请注意,茱莉亚只接受由主办考试机构直接寄送的官方电子成绩单。 *最近一次官方英语考试成绩:该成绩必须由主办考试机构直接寄送。你所提交的英语分数不必达到最低分数要求,仅供招生委员会了解你目前的英语熟练程度。 **最终官方英语考试成绩:该成绩必须由主办考试机构直接寄送。考试分数必须达到我们的最低分数要求。 学院英文测试:受邀参加现场面试的考生,需在2021年1月至2月配合天津茱莉亚语言部门完成在线一对一英文测试。该测试结果将与你的托福/雅思/PTE成绩一并纳入整体考量范畴。 英文基础强化课程:如果学生的英文测试成绩在托福80-89分;雅思6.0-6.5;PTE56-61之间,学生需要参加开学前的暑期英文基础强化课程,此课程会在天津茱莉亚学院进行。若成功完成此课程,可以视作英文水平要求达标并可以开始硕士学位的学习。基于个案考虑,若学生的英文测试成绩在:托福72-80分;雅思5.5-6.0;PTE51-56之间,学生成功完成并通过英语基础强化课程后方可入学。 Definition You are required to submit proof of English language proficiency if English is not your native language. The Tianjin Juilliard School defines native language as the language first spoken as a child and the primary language spoken at home. Demonstrating English Language Proficiency The ability to speak, read, and understand English fluently is an important factor in admissions decisions. Applicants may submit one of the following test types to demonstrate English language proficiency: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)International English Language Testing System (IELTS)Pearsons Language Test: Academic (PTE Academic)*Applicants whose score falls between 72-80 TOEFL / 5.5 – 6.0 IELTS / 51-56 PTE will be considered on an individual basis to enter the MM with successful completion of the Intensive English Foundational Program. This consideration will include an institutional English language proficiency exam conducted by the Tianjin Juilliard’s English Language Studies Department. We encourage you to apply if your score falls in this range, but applicants with a score of 80 or above may be given preference for admission. Juilliard's TOEFL code: 2340Juilliard's CEEB code: 002340To submit electronic IELTS scores, search for “Juilliard School” The official test results must be sent directly from the testing company and received by the Office of Admissions at The Juilliard School in New York by the appropriate deadlines listed below. Please note that when requesting official test results from the testing company, you should search for “Juilliard” in the school list for score delivery. Juilliard only accepts electronic official test results sent directly by the testing company. *Most Recent Official English Language Test Score: This test score must be delivered to us directly from the testing company but does not need to be passing: It will serve to indicate your most recent level of English language proficiency. **Final Official English Language Test Score: This test score must be delivered to us directly from the testing company and should meet our test score standards. Institutional Language Proficiency Assessment: Applicants who are invited to a live audition will participate in an individual online English assessment interview with Tianjin Juilliard's English language office in January - February 2021. The results of this interview will be considered alongside your standardized test results. Intensive English Foundation Program: Applicants with a score of between 80-89 TOEFL / 6.0-6.5 IETLS / 56-61 PTE are required to attend the Intensive English Foundation Program, held at The Tianjin Juilliard School the summer prior to matriculation. Successful completion of this summer program will meet the English language proficiency entrance requirement for the Master of Music degree. Applicants with a score between 72-80 TOEFL / 5.5 – 6.0 IELTS / 51-56 PTE will be considered on a case-by-case basis to enter the MM with successful completion of the Intensive English Foundational Program. 茱莉亚在校学生 Currently Enrolled Juilliard Students 如果你是纽约茱莉亚学院在校学生,将免于递交预筛选视频、英文水平证明,以及成绩单。除此之外,如你在2020年12月15日截止日期之前递交申请,将免除申请费。 As a currently enrolled student in the Juilliard Collegiate Division, you will be exempt from the requirements for pre-screening, proof of English language proficiency, and transcripts. Additionally, your application fee will be waived as long as your submit your application by the December 15 deadline. 天津音乐学院研究生在校生 Currently Enrolled Tianjin Conservatory of Music Graduate Students 天津音乐学院茱莉亚研究院硕士研究生双学位培养项目,是天津茱莉亚学院和天津音乐学院的合作项目,项目面向天津音乐学院在读研究生。该项目包括在天津音乐学院的学习,以及在天津茱莉亚学院两年的学习。成功完成课程的学生可获得美国纽约茱莉亚学院颁发的硕士学位,以及天津音乐学院颁发的硕士研究生学历证和学位证。就读于天津音乐学院期间,学生需缴纳天津音乐学院规定学费;就读于天津茱莉亚学院的两年期间,学生需按规定缴纳中国籍学生学费。2020-2021学年,中国籍学生学费为200,000人民币。请注意,天津茱莉亚学院每年的学费通常会有增长。学生就读天津茱莉亚期间,可以申请奖学金。 符合条件的申请者需要完成在线申请,并在系统里注明是天津音乐学院在校生且有意报考双学位项目。在线申请必须包含预筛选演奏视频,此视频可以在申请系统里提交。若通过预筛选,招生办公室将邀请申请者参加现场面试。请查看完整面试要求。双学位项目的录取结果将由天津茱莉亚招生委员会决定,该委员会成员包含纽约茱莉亚及天津茱莉亚学院的高级管理人员。 Master of Music students enrolled at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music are eligible to apply to the Dual-Degree Program, a collaboration between The Tianjin Juilliard School and the Tianjin Conservatory of Music. This unique opportunity consists of study at Tianjin Conservatory and two years of study at Tianjin Juilliard. Students who successfully complete the program earn a Master's degree from The Juilliard School in New York and the Tianjin Conservatory of Music. While enrolled at Tianjin Conservatory, students pay the tuition for Tianjin Conservatory. While enrolled at Tianjin Juilliard for the final two years, students pay the Chinese national tuition rate for Tianjin Juilliard. In the 2020-21 academic year, this reduced Chinese national tuition charge for Tianjin Juilliard is 200,000 RMB. Please note that tuition at Tianjin Juilliard will typically increase annually. Scholarship opportunities exist from Tianjin Juilliard while enrolled for the two years at Tianjin Juilliard. In order to apply, applicants should complete the online Tianjin Juilliard application, indicating that they are currently enrolled at Tianjin Conservatory and will be applying to the Dual-Degree Program. Applications must include a pre-screen video recording, uploaded to the application. The Admissions Office at Tianjin Juilliard will notify an applicant if they have been invited for a live audition. View complete audition requirements below. Admission decisions for the Dual-Degree program are made by the Tianjin Juilliard Admission Committee, which includes senior administration from Tianjin and New York. 咨询课程 Consultative Lessons 咨询课程让有意向报考天津茱莉亚研究生课程的学生有机会与学院的教师见面和交流。学生可通过该课程了解教师的个人风格和教学方式。咨询课程不是强制性课程,也不会对你的申请结果有任何影响。 天津茱莉亚学院将根据教师时间及其他因素决定是否安排课程。咨询课程的时长为60分钟。在学校另行通知前,所有咨询课程都将通过Zoom会议软件在线进行。在线咨询课的费用为1200元人民币。面授的咨询课程预计将在2020年秋季学期恢复,费用为1500元人民币。如有上咨询课的意向,请发邮件至admissions@tianjinjuilliard.edu.cn联系我们。我们的工作人员将就具体细节与你进一步沟通。 Consultative lessons give prospective students the opportunity to meet and work with Tianjin Juilliard faculty during the admissions process. Consultative lessons should be viewed as a way for students to learn about a teacher’s style and pedagogical approach; they are not mandatory, and do not influence admission. The Tianjin Juilliard School may be able to arrange for consultative lessons based on faculty availability and other factors. Until further notice, all consultative lessons will take place online via Zoom. The fee for a 60-minute online lesson is 1200 RMB. In-person consultative lessons are expected to resume in Fall 2020. The fee for a 60-minute in-person lesson is 1500 RMB. To request a consultative lesson, please contact us at admissions@tianjinjuilliard.edu.cn for further details. 残障申请人 Applicants with Disabilities 天津茱莉亚学院努力为残障申请人充分参加面试提供方便。学院遵守《美国残障人士法案》的规定,为身体残障但符合资格条件的申请人提供合理的食宿安排或者进行适当调整。 天津茱莉亚学院不会在录取之前询问申请人是否为残障人士;但残障申请人如需在面试过程中获得合理的食宿安排,须在截止日期12月15日之前以邮件的形式通知本校 “学术支持与残障人士服务办公室”,邮箱地址为:oass@juilliard.edu。 你需要向“学术支持与残障人士服务办公室”提交残障证明文件;所提交的信息将被严格保密。你需要提交以下表格,以便学院根据你的具体需求提供相应安排: 申请人身体残障信息表面试食宿安排申请表所有残障人士申请文件均由纽约茱莉亚学院保管。 The Tianjin Juilliard School seeks to facilitate the full participation of applicants with disabilities in the audition process. The School makes reasonable accommodations or adjustments for qualified individuals with known disabilities in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). The School will not make pre-admissions inquiries as to whether or not a student has a disability; however, applicants with documented disabilities who require reasonable accommodations in order to participate in the audition process must notify the Office of Academic Support and Disability Services (OASDS) in writing by December 15. Please notify the office by emailing them at oass@juilliard.edu. You will be required to submit documentation of your disability to OASDS; this information will be kept strictly confidential. You must complete the following forms in order for the school to accommodate your specific needs: Applicant Release of Disability Related Information FormAudition Accommodation Request FormAll documented disability requests will be managed by The Juilliard School in New York. 联系我们 Get in Touch 如需了解更多天津茱莉亚学院的招生信息,请发送邮件至:admissions@tianjinjuilliard.edu.cn,或拨打以下电话: 86 022 2576 4890(办公时间:周一至周五,北京时间9:00-17:00)。 For general questions and information about the admissions process at The Tianjin Juilliard School, please contact us at: admissions@tianjinjuilliard.edu.cn, or give us a call during office hours: 86 022 2576 4890 (Monday-Friday, 9:00-17:00, China Standard Time). (最终招生简章以天津茱莉亚学院官网为准。) |
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